TYC International Preliminary Rangzen meet in Taiwan
The Tibetan Youth Congress concluded its two-day International
Preliminary Rangzen Conference in Taiwan on mid November 2012. A
25-delegate meeting representing four countries including Taiwan, France, Japan
and Tibet attended this meeting. The two-day meeting had two agendas for
Ways of reasserting
the essential aims and goals of restoring Independence of Tibet and development
of confidence and pride of Rangzen advocates
• Plans and strategies for restoring Tibetan Independence
The 2nd preliminary session of International Rangzen Conference
was held in Taiwan in Collaboration with Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of
Taiwan. The Conference was organized in line with a resolution passed during
its 14th General Body Meeting, where TYC decided to call an International
Rangzen Conference. In view of the widely dispersed potential participants, TYC
Centrex members resolved to organize preliminary conferences in four different
regions: Europe, North America, East Asia and India.
The preliminary meeting for Europe was held in Zurich,
Switzerland on 23-24 July 2011 in collaboration with the
Tibetan Youth Association Europe (TYAE).
The Conference began with singing of the Tibetan National Anthem
and observance of a minute silence to express homage to all the fallen heroes
of Tibet and solidarity to all those Tibetans who continue to fight despite
oppression by the Communist Party of China. This was followed by a presentation
by TYC Joint Secretary Tenzin Norsang on Why and How it is possible to achieve
our goals of Independence and why it is necessary to boost confidence and pride
among the Rangzen advocates and important to build effective strategies to
organize successful campaigns to achieve our goal.
Some of the significant points made by participants were that
despite Taiwan’s resources the issue of Tibet is much more popular
internationally. They expressed that Taiwan and Tibet shares the common goal
and be effectively work together and that the Tibetans alone have the right to
decide its future and external supporters can only lend a hand. Spreading
and generating awareness about the Tibet issue to the Chinese people -
especially students - is very crucial as most Chinese have no idea about the
real story of Tibet even about the existence of the Tibetan settlements in
India. So there should be consistent dialogues with Chinese people and should
be carried out in Chinese language. For this Tibetans should learn Chinese
language in order to better communicate with Chinese citizens.
Developing confidence and pride cannot be materialized
overnight, but through a gradual, continual process which requires constant
awareness of the situation, study, research and investigation of facts.
Programs such as talk shows, seminar, organizing a workshop are advisable and
effective. Finance is a key requirement for any kind of program and activities.
Therefore, one has to find ways to generate the funds to be mobilized.
An important suggestion was to create a think tank for Rangzen
advocate. More research and study about the Chinese leaders and their policies
should be conducted in order to make the Tibet movement more effective.
The meeting was very productive in creating the network and establishing
contacts in Taiwan for future collaborative activities.
The upcoming preliminary conferences will be held in New York on
the 28-29 December 2012 and in New Delhi on 13 February 2013 to time the day of
the Declaration of Independence in 1913.